Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tropical Foodies: What to Eat in an Ethiopian Restaurant

(April 22, 2012, The Huffington Post)--Going to an Ethiopian restaurant is an interesting experience. It is not just about the food, which is delicious. It's also about the surroundings, the community, and the touch-and-feel rhythm of eating food with your hands. 

Do make sure that you go with people you actually like, as you will share the dishes with them. Also, if you are one of those people who believe that everyone else but them carry an inordinate amount of germs, this is probably not the right choice for you, either.

The first time I went to an Ethiopian restaurant was in New York City, in the West Village. The restaurant was a hole in the wall and the place was dimly lit, but just like the other places on that street, it had character and, what is more important, fantastic food.

I went for dinner with a few friends and we were seated rather quickly. (This is always a bonus as a long waiting time can affect any dining experience). I quickly looked around and noticed that a few “Ethiopian-looking” patrons were enjoying their meals. I always interpret seeing people who know that particular food well as a good sign when going to a restaurant from a certain place. Read more from from
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