Monday, April 18, 2011

Markus Lupfer to mentor Ethiopia's emerging fashion talent

(Apr 18 2011, Harpers Bazaar)--This weekend, Bazaar favourite Markus Lupfer touched down in Addis Ababa where, over the course of the next ten days, he’ll be mentoring five super talented emerging Ethiopian fashion designers for The Goethe Institute’s Fashion Renaissance initiative.

The programme which debuted last year – also with Markus at the helm – equips the country's largely self-taught fashion designers with the tools to operate in the global marketplace and will culminate with a full-on fashion show in Munich.

“Working which these designers really opened my eyes,” Markus told us, “we’re taught all the basics from day one but when I first came on board the project last year I couldn’t believe that they’d even never learned the rudiments of pattern cutting.”

He’s really looking forward to doing it again though: “it was really inspirational for me as well as it forced me to go right back to look at what design really means. The outcome was incredible.” Read more from Harpers Bazaar » 

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