Friday, December 17, 2010

Haile Gebrselassie For President?

Updated: Dec 17th 2010 8:11 AM EST by News
Ethiopia’s fastest marathoner may be leading his country one day.
World-record-holder in the marathon Haile Gebrselassie is thinking about life after running–political life. In an article posted on Yahoo! Sports, the Ethiopian runner has announced a political career may be in his cards.
“I want to do something for Ethiopia, for Africa, for myself, my family and my people. You know, what is the best to do to pay back those people who were supporting me all these years,” he said. “To be involved in politics as prime minister, as president, minister if this gives something back, then why not?”
Political aspirations aside, the 37-year-old Gebrselassie still has unfinished business on the roads and track. Next February, he is running the Tokyo Marathon and has made it known that he wants to compete in the 2012 Olympics in London.
Last month, Gebrselassie shocked the running world and decided to retire after dropping out of the ING New York City Marathon. A few weeks later, he reconsidered that decision.
“I am back to my normal program, what I did before. I do 35 kilometres in two sessions a day,” he said.
For More: Yahoo! Sport