Friday, December 17, 2010

Gebrselassie sets sights on political career

Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:45pm GMBy Aaron Maasho: Reuters
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Haile Gebrselassie, back in full training after rescinding a premature decision to retire, is eyeing a political career when he finally hangs up his running shoes.
"I want to do something for Ethiopia, for Africa, for myself, my family and my people. You know, what is the best to do to pay back those people who were supporting me all these years," the 37-year-old Ethiopian told Reuters in an interview.
"To be involved in politics as prime minister, as president, minister if this gives something back, then why not?"
However Gebrselassie, who plans to crown a glittering running career by competing in the 2012 London Olympics marathon, ruled out campaigning in the next general elections in five years' time.
"Don't you think it is too early? Because I have to do lots of things," he said after he was inducted into Johnnie Walker whisky's "Walk with Giants" campaign.
"Athletics is one thing, the business is the other. I have to do things properly."
After shattering 27 world records in nearly two decades, Gebrselassie suffered an unexpected niggle on his right knee just before the start of this year's New York City marathon
He dropped out midday and then shocked bewildered journalists by announcing his retirement.More reading..

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