Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Dawit Asmalash jailed for murdering Haileab Tadesse

(Feb 06, 2012, BBC)--A man has been jailed for life for stabbing an asylum seeker to death in a drunken row in Middlesbrough. Dawit Asmalash, 31, had denied the murder of Haileab Tadesse, 35, but was found unanimously guilty by a jury at Teesside Crown Court.

Dawit Asmalash
Mr Tadesse of Eritrea, in East Africa, was found at a house in Palm Street on 4 April 2011. He had been stabbed through the heart.

Asmalash, of no fixed address, must serve a minimum of 15 years. A statement from Cleveland Police said: "The death of the man known as Mr Tadesse followed a drunken argument between him and Dawit Asmalash. "Dawit Asmalash responded to this by taking a knife and stabbing Mr Tadesse twice. 

'Dignity and respect'
"There was no excuse for this violence and the jury has seen through Dawit Asmalash and his attempt to justify his actions.

 "Dawit Asmalash has consistently refused to accept responsibility for his actions on that night but today he must face up to the consequences of his violent attack on Mr Tadesse." Police said Mr Tadesse had been granted asylum to remain in the UK until 2016. Read more from BBC »

Related topic:
Man charged over asylum seeker murder in Middlesbrough

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Betam asazagn zena

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