Friday, September 09, 2011

WCC Executive Committee to hold meeting in Addis Ababa

(September 9, 2011, Addis Ababa, ENA)--The Executive Committee of the World Council of Church (WCC) will hold its meeting in Addis Ababa for the first time from September 11-16, 2011.

The meeting aims to examine the existing operation of the council and map out future areas of focus in its ecumenical activities, according to EOC Patriarchate Private Secretariat press release sent to ENA on Friday.

The membership of the council consists of 349 Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant and United churches in over 120 countries committed to visible unity and common witness in Christ.

It said the meeting due to take place following an official invitation of the EOC Patriarch His holiness Abune Paulos, the current President of the WCC.  EOC is one of the founding and standing members of the WCC since 1984.

The organizing committee disclosed that the executive committee will conduct its business session at the patriarch conference hall.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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