Thursday, June 02, 2011

Lighting a Candle for Ethiopia

(Australia  ,June 02, 2011)- FIVE Trinity and three Woodlawn students have grouped together to raise funds for the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia, through a charity dinner.

Considered the finest in its field, the hospital has been restoring the lives, health, and dignity to the most destitute women in Ethiopia, some in their early teens, since 1974.

These women could have died or suffered lifelong complications from obstetric fistula, which includes the leakage of urine into the vagina.

After viewing the documentary, Lighting a Candle, the students organised the dinner, spokesperson for the group, Alice Dwyer saying that it told of the anguish and pain suffered by the Ethiopian women after childbirth.

“I can’t imagine what it would be like to have had a child at just 12-years-of-age,” Alice said, “and then become a social outcast because of what childbirth did.”

“The hospital repairs fistulas caused by childbirth, particularly in young mothers.

“Our theme is Lighting a Candle and we’ll be carrying lighted candles on the way to dinner and hopefully, lots of people will join us.

“There will be guest speakers including Joanne Millar, niece of Dr and Mrs Hamlin.

“We’ll have raffles and entertainment as well, and the cost, including the two-course meal is just $50.

“We’d appreciate it if anyone wants to donate money, cheques can be made to Trinity Catholic College.

All funds raised from the night will go directly to the Hamlin Fistula Foundation. The dinner is at Alstonville’s House With No Steps tomorrow 6pm.
Source: northern star

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