Saturday, June 04, 2011

Ethiopians' sacrifice should be emulated (By Dorcas Ilunga)

June 04, 2011
WHILE many African countries are battling to find resources to implement developmental projects that can boost the performance of various sectors of the economy, Ethiopian people have shown a rare solidarity by sacrificing their one-month salaries towards the construction of a dam.

Workers from government and private institutions are paying their one-month salaries in 12 monthly installments towards the construction of the dam on called the “Great Millennium Dam”.

The estimated cost of the Great Millennium Dam to be built on the Nile River is about 80 billion Birr (about US$5billion) but the government has a deficit of 4 billion Birr ($250 million) towards the project, hence the help from its citizens.

Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn recently appealed to Ethiopian people to unite and contribute towards the project which will greatly contribute to the social-economic development of the country.

Like many African countries, Ethiopia’s current hydro-power production is not adequate, resulting in load shedding as demand increases in various sectors.

The country currently produces 2000 mega watts of hydro-electric power but when completed the dam will produce 5250 mw which will boost local consumption and export revenue.

Government Communication Affairs Office (GCAO) workers have sacrificed their one-month salaries amounting to 947,000 Birr (about$56,000).

GCAO Head in the Minister’s Office Motuma Temesgen says that the Millennium dam is a national pride for all Ethiopians and that this is the reason why citizens’ response towards its construction has been overwhelming.

Mr Temesgen said Ethiopians have decided to support the government because government, through the media has made them to understand that it is possible to construct the dam that will benefit every citizen without asking for donor assistance.

He also says that workers have decided to sacrifice their salaries towards the massive project because they understand that government resources are not adequate to complete the project.

Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority (EBA) spokesperson Leul Gebru said members of staff from his organisation felt it was important to sacrifice their one-month salaries towards the construction of the dam because a mammoth national project will benefit all Ethiopians.

Mr Gebru says that the benefits of the dam have been well-understood by the Ethiopian people and that it was the reason they were not being forced to sacrifice their pay.

Gambella State Council Head Yasin Belay says council employees decided to support the venture because it is part of the government’s fifth Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) which will contribute to poverty reduction in the country.

The construction of the dam is not only attracting support from Ethiopian workers but those in the diaspora.
Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Diaspora Participation Engagement director Yohannes Fanta says Ethiopians in the diaspora have already started organiding themselves and will channel their support through various Ethiopian embassies abroad.

Mr Fanta described the magnitude of support towards the construction of the dam as amazing adding that government was confident that the contribution from Ethiopians in the diaspora will be overwhelming.

The Ethiopian opposition coalition known as Forum for Justice and Democratic Dialogue has also shown a rare solidarity towards the construction of the dam.

Alliance leader Beyene Petros said in Addis Ababa recently that the dam is something that should unite all Ethiopians irrespective of their political affiliation.

Professor Petros reiterated that the role of the opposition was not only to attack government but also to give praise and support where it is due.

He said the dam when completed will not only benefit people who belong to the ruling party but all Ethiopians, hence the need to commend and support the current government.

It is amazing that the support towards the dam project is not only coming from Ethiopians in formal employment but even those in informal sectors as well as the ones who do not work at all.

School children, college and university students, small business entrepreneurs street beggars and other vulnerable groups are all contributing amounts as low as 20 Birr (USD2).

Acting head of mission at the Zambian Embassy in Addis Ababa Pola Kimena says the solidarity exhibited by Ethiopian people towards the construction of the Millennium dam is something that other African countries should emulate.

Mr Kimena says the rare solidarity currently prevailing in Ethiopia is an indication that it is possible for other African countries including Zambia to identify developmental projects that can unite them, irrespective of political affiliations.

“The solidarity we have witnessed in Ethiopia is quite unique and will remain a big lesson for Africa, he said”.

The author is the First Secretary for Press at the Zambian Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Source: Times of Zambia

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