Friday, June 03, 2011

Chinese Embassy makes donation to school in Ethiopia's capital

(June 03, 201, Addis Ababa)- The Chinese Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Thursday made a donation to a school, namely Tinbite-Ermias Primary School in the metropolis.

The donation includes, among others, desks, chairs, radios, computers, TV sets, projector, and soccer-balls.

Handing over the donation, Wei Hongtian, Charge d'Affairs of the Chinese Embassy, said China is always ready to work together with Ethiopia toward education improvement in Ethiopia. 

Wei recalled that China has assisted and built three primary schools in rural parts of Ethiopia. "We are happy to see that the Ethiopian government attaches great importance to education and has made remarkable progress in this endeavor."

"As a good partner of Ethiopia, the Chinese side is always ready to work together with and continue to provide assistance within its capability to the Ethiopian side to improve its education," he said.

Speaking on the same occasion, Yilma Dessie, director of Tinbite-Ermias School, commended the Chinese side for the donation made to his school. "This donation is greatly important for the community as well as for learning and teaching processes," he said. 

He expressed hope that the Chinese Embassy would be by the school side for further assistance and support.

"We hope that in the future the Chinese Embassy will stand together with us for other activities carried out in the school," said the director.
Source: Xinhua

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