Saturday, February 26, 2011

Joint efforts significant to implement GTP , ensure education quality: Ministry.

Addis Ababa, February 24, 2011 (Addis Ababa) -
Higher Education Strategy Center Director Prof. Zinabu Gebremariam said education is a vital tool to implement the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), eradicate poverty and ensure sustainable development.

Representing the Ministry of Education at the opening the 2nd International Education Exhibition here on Thursday, Prof. Zinabu said the country is striving to enhance the quality of education.

He also stressed the need for stakeholders to contribute share to realize these objectives.

Religious institutions are contributing significantly to the education sector, he said, adding, this helps to bring about the desired quality of education.

Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Abune Paulos on his part said education is a pillar for the country’s development and every stakeholder should give unreserved support to the sector.

The Patriarch, who is also a president of World Council of Churches, said education is the only means to create civilized and responsible citizens.

He called for concreted efforts to build the future and deliver prosperous Ethiopia to the next generation.

Ethiopian Islamic Affairs President, Shiek Ahmedin Shiek Abdulahi on the occasion said urged all stakeholders to ensure quality of education as it is a development drive.

He said the government has formulated sound policy which helps ensure quality of education.

Representatives of the Ethiopian Catholic, Ethiopian Evangelical MekaneYesus and Full Gospel Believers churches have also commended on the essence of exerting concerted effort to ensure the quality of education.

The exhibition, which remains open until February 27/2011, is organized by Dan International Foreign Trade Auxiliary.

The exhibition aims at ensuring the quality of education, developing the vision of formulating educational institutions as center of excellence for East Africa and sharing experiences.

Various foreign, governmental and private educational as well as religious institutions are participating in the exhibition.




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