Monday, February 07, 2011

JAFI appoints new head of delegation in Ethiopia

Source: The Jerusalem Post, 07-02-2011
The Jewish Agency for Israel announced Sunday that Ethiopian-born Israeli Asher Seyum, formerly head of immigration services for Jerusalem and the South, has been appointed head of the JAFI delegation in the East African country.

Seyum, who immigrated as a child in 1984, is the first Ethiopian born Israeli to take up the important post. He will be responsible for overseeing the smooth transition of a few hundred Ethiopian immigrants to Israel each month.
In November, the government finally reached a breakthrough in the decision to continue the flow of immigration from Ethiopia. Currently close to 8000 Falash Mura – Ethiopians of Jewish descent, are waiting in the Northern city of Gondar for final Israeli government approval to make aliya. For the past two years the entire process ground to a halt as political factions argued for and against continuing aliya from Ethiopia.

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