Thursday, March 08, 2012

Exiled Ethiopians want Zenawi out

(08 MAR 2012, Daily Nation)--Exiled Ethiopian opposition politicians and activists have formed a council that seeks to push for regime change in the Horn of Africa country.
The pro-revolution council against Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s government, which is following the footsteps of Arab revolutionaries, hopes to fill the leadership vacuum until a democratically elected administration is installed. The ad hoc leader of the council, Dr Fisseha Eshetu, said the council would bridge the power vacuum after removing the current regime from office.
Dr Eshetu, a well-known businessman, recently fled Ethiopia. The ex-owner of Ethiopia’s first private university, which he established in 1998, Dr Eshetu told the Nation that the council would consist of representatives of politicians and like-minded citizens willing to work towards democracy and justice in Ethiopia.
The council is scheduled to formally launch its initiative at the end of this month in United States. Dr Eshetu said “change is imminent in Ethiopia”. “This is not a political party but a forum to coordinate and support the struggle carried out by all stakeholders for regime change,” he explained.
Dr Eshetu and his team are currently touring different parts of the United States and Europe to introduce the initiative. “So far we received a very encouraging support from both citizens and politicians,” said Eshetu. The council’s  draft constitution seen by the Nation also set a target to solicit funding from Ethiopians living abroad for the drive. 

“Plans to mobilise all Ethiopians in every corner of the world to rise up and proclaim enough is enough and reclaim their dignity and their God-given rights for peace and prosperity of their country and to successfully build and hand over a proud nation to the next generation,” says the council’s mission statement.

“I am sure, we will succeed because we trust in God and our motive is genuine only emerges from love to our nation “ said the leader.
Source: Daily Nation 

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