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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Who will be Ethiopia's next prime minister?

(Mar, (BBC))--Ethiopia's ruling coalition is due to meet soon to choose its next leader. That person will automatically become the prime minister. They will be taking on the role at a time of bitter internal wrangles and violent protests.

Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn announced on 15 February that he would resign as both the chairperson of Ethiopia's ruling coalition EPRDF and as prime minister - a position he had held since 2012.

So that leaves the 180-strong EPRDF council to choose the next prime minister.  The coalition is complex.  EPRDF is made up of four ethnically based political parties: the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM); the Oromo People's Democratic Organisation (OPDO); the Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement (SEPDM) and the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF).

While the ANDM and OPDO have roots in Oromia and Amhara regions, which together account for more than half of Ethiopia's population, it is the minority TPLF from Tigray region that controls the military and security apparatus and is seen as the dominant party in the coalition.

Bitter internal wrangles within the ruling coalition have however made it difficult to predict just who will become the next prime minister. To make matters worse, the government failed to quell anger when it declared a state of emergency. Demonstrators in the west defied a ban on protests and marches became violent. Red more from  BBC »

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