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Saturday, June 01, 2013

Egyptian and Ethiopian PMs agree on three principles

(June 01, 2013, (Daily News Egypt))--Prime Minister Hesham Qandil and his Ethiopian counterpart Hailemariam Desalegn agreed on “three principles” in dealing with Ethiopia’s construction of their Grand Renaissance Dam, according to Cabinet Spokesman Alaa Al-Hadidy.

The two prime ministers met in Tokyo on the sidelines of the Fifth International Conference on African Development, which began on Saturday and runs until Monday.

The first principle agreed upon between Qandil and Desalegn was that the dam would not affect Egypt’s share of Nile water. Secondly, Qandil said that Egypt’s position was clear and would strongly uphold and insist that Ethiopia hold its commitments and prior agreements moving forward.

The two sides also agreed to wait for a committee made up of Sudanese, Egyptian, and Ethiopian experts to publish a report after inspecting the dam. The report is expected to detail the effects the dam would have on Egypt and Sudan. Read more from Daily News Egypt »

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