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Friday, May 31, 2013

Troubled waters in Egypt and Ethiopia as Nile row erupts

(May 31, 2013, (euronews))--There is concern in Egypt over a potential reduction in water supply, after Ethiopia began diverting a stretch of the Nile river earlier this week to make way for a hydroelectric dam. In Cairo, some residents were angry about the possibility that Ethiopia's 3.6 billion euro Renaissance Dam could reduce their supply.

One local said: "If the Renaissance Dam has an impact on the amount of water we receive from our share of the Nile, then we would consider this to be a red line.

It's possible our state would fight and we are ready to fight for water." In the farmland outside the capital, there is concern that agriculture could suffer and livelihoods might be put in jeopardy.

A farmer complained: "When they change the course of the Nile, how will we water the plants? How will crops grow?" Euronews Cairo correspondent Mohammed Shaikhibrahim reported: "The restless conflict between some of the 10 countries in the Nile basin has ignited once again. Read more from euronews »

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