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Friday, May 31, 2013

Ethiopia Renaissance Dam gives Nile-dependant Egypt a new headache

(May 31,  2013, (CAIRO))--Power-generating dam is predicted to reduce Egypt's, Sudan's share of Nile River water by 18 billion cubic meters annually. Egypt Islamist President Mohamed Morsi will convene on Thursday with Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Water Resources at the presidential palace to discuss the Ethiopian dam crisis, reported the state-owned news agency MENA.

Ethiopia began on Tuesday the process of diverting the course of the Blue Nile River to continue the construction process of its Renaissance Dam, raising concerns over Egypt's water supply.

Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnin said Ethiopia would use the dam for hydroelectricity for Ethiopia and the rest of the region. The power-generating dam is predicted to reduce Egypt's and Sudan's share of Nile River water by 18 billion cubic meters annually.

"We are still waiting for the report of tripartite technical committee (made up of experts from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia) on the effects of the dam on Egypt's water supply," the Water Resources Minister said.The committee's report is expected to be released on Thursday.

Key opinion leaders in Egypt have expressed alarm over the Ethiopian dam construction. “We’re expecting Ethiopian officials to make good on their earlier promise to act in a way that would not harm Egyptian interests,” Egyptian ambassador to Ethiopia, Mohammed Idris, told the official Al Ahram daily on May 29. Read more from Middle East Online »

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