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Friday, May 31, 2013

'Egypt can use Suez Canal to retaliate Ethiopia dam move'

(May 31, 2013, (Cairo))--Egypt could close the strategic Suez Canal to ships from countries like China that are helping Ethiopia build a controversial dam that threatens supply of Nile water to the country, a top opposition leader has said.

"The state is capable of holding talks with the countries financing Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam project, especially China and Italy," Hamdeen Sabbahi, the leader of the Egyptian Popular Current and a co-leader of the National Salvation Front, said yesterday.

He went on to assert that Egypt was capable of prohibiting ships from those countries from transiting the Suez Canal "until they stop harming Egypt's interests." He also said that Ethiopia's decision to go ahead with the project – only days after President Mohammed Mursi's state visit to the country – was "extremely humiliating to Egyptians."

In comments reported by Al-Ahram Arabic news website, Sabbahi also called on Egyptians to support the government in its dispute with Ethiopia over the dam. Read more from Deccan Herald »

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