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Sunday, February 18, 2018

So, what's next for Ethiopia?

(Feb 18, (Addis Ababa))--Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn's surprise resignation came after sustained anti-government protests in the East African country. While the government considers who will take his place, it has imposed a state of emergency for the next six months.

Ethiopia is the second most populous country in the African continent, with 100 million people in more than 40 ethnic groups. The two largest groups, the Oromo and the Amhara, make up around two-thirds of all Ethiopians.

Tigrayans account for just six percent of the population but they dominate politics and the security forces. It is a 25-year-old arrangement but one that is causing a great deal of resentment among the other groups.

So, what's next for Ethiopia?

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