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Saturday, January 13, 2018

The University of Manchester’s opens its doors to Ethiopia

(Jan 13, (Manchester))--STUDENTS FROM Ethiopia who have a desire to learn skills that will transform their home countries are being given a life-changing opportunity to study in Manchester.

The University of Manchester’s Chancellor, Lemn Sissay, MBE, recently attended a special event in Addis Ababa to officially extend the student scholarship to Ethiopia.

Talented candidates from the country will now be able to apply for places through the University’s Equity and Merit Scholarships, which currently fund students from Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania to take a postgraduate course that isn’t available in their home country. Sissay is a poet with Ethiopian heritage who regularly visits the country.

In his role as chancellor, he is the ceremonial head of The University of Manchester and has been supportive of a number of new initiatives such as a scholarship for black male law students. “I am very happy that during my time as the university’s chancellor the Equity and Merit Scholarships have been extended to Ethiopia, a country that I know well and love. I have seen first-hand what a difference these scholarships make to people.”

Sissay, who was brought up by foster parents in Greater Manchester until the age of 12 before he was sent to a care home, later discovered his Ethiopian heritage, finding his mother at the age of 21. Read more from Voice Online »

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