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Saturday, October 07, 2017

How Ethiopia Fought Back Against Mussolini

(Oct 07, (OkayAfrica))--Ethiopians were the first to fight fascism. With right wing nationalism on the rise again we can take a page from their book. Weeks back, shortly after the horrific display of white supremacist violence that took place in Charlottesville, I had a conversation.

I yelled and ranted to a poor non-drunk soul about how fascists should be treated harshly and with no sympathy. I might have said something about utilizing methods they historically used to deal with those they said were inferior.

The conversation around the rise of white supremacist fascists, as exacerbated by the Trump regime, has taken a clever rhetorical turn where, instead of us speaking about the brutality and injustice and evil that these people clamor for, we out here talking about “free speech."

Free speech is cute and good and necessary, but when that speech advocates for the genocide of a group of people, when it turns into saying they should be subject to cruelty and oppression because of this faux-biological reason and that faux-biological reason, when that talk turns physical, fuck that, because we should not allow it to turn physical, we should be shutting that shit all the way the fuck down with whatever tools are at our disposal.

We can't be out here allowing fascists to grow, giving them platforms to spread their dangerous yacubian ideologies. Because, when we do, really, really bad things happen to people. Read more from OkayAfrica »

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