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Monday, October 16, 2017

Candlelight Vigil Held For Beloved Ethiopian Man

(Oct 16, (News Channel 5))--NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Nashville's Ethiopian community held a candlelight vigil for a beloved man killed in a crash downtown.

A few hundred people gathered at the intersection of Peabody Street and 2nd Avenue South on Sunday where 55-year-old Hizkias Woldegabriel died after a Ford van struck him in his taxicab.
Friends said his death left a big hole in their hearts.

Woldegabriel was described as a man who worked tirelessly to provide for his wife and two children, 21-year-old Negusu Hizkias and 18-year-old Liya Hizkias.

Both children were born in Seattle, Washington but attended Hume-Fogg High School. "The Hume-Fogg faculty reached out to me. The Ethiopian community that you see behind me, they're huge. They've always got my back since I got here about ten years ago," Negusu said. Read more from NewsChannel 5 » 

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