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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Migrant Crisis: Britain To Create 100,000 Jobs In Ethiopia

(Sep 22, 2016, (Voice Online))--THE BRITISH government, the European Union and the World Bank have announced a plan to create 100,000 jobs in Ethiopia to help tackle the migrant crisis. Two industrial parks will be built in the country at a cost of $500m (£385m). Ethiopia, which proposed the plan, will be required to grant employment rights to 30,000 refugees.

UK prime minister Theresa May said the project would be a model for how to support poorer countries housing large numbers of migrants. Ethiopia hosts more than 700,000 asylum seekers, mainly from South Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia.

The deal, which was announced yesterday (Sept 21) at the UN summit on refugees in New York, will be funded by loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and grants from the UK and the World Bank.

EIB President Werner Hoyer, said: "We know that Ethiopia is for many a stopping point before making the dangerous onward journey to final destinations in Europe. Initiatives and projects like this provide people with a choice to stay closer to home and an opportunity for economic growth as well."

“This is a ground-breaking project – a showcase for Sub-Saharan Africa - and one that perfectly reflects our conviction that creating job opportunities and economic resilience in countries impacted by the migration and refugee challenge is the right way ahead. It’s also an excellent example of how the EU bank is helping Europe act beyond its borders to tackle the refugee and migration challenges which now affect nearly every part of the globe." Read more from Voice Online »

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