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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Egypt, Sudan & Ethiopia to sign dam impact studies contract this week

(Sep 17, 2016, (Ahram Online))--Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia are set to sign the contracts with two foreign consultancy firms hired to study the impact of Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD) on downriver countries on 19-20 Sept in Khartoum, Egypt's irrigation ministry spokesman announced Saturday.

In statements to the state-owned MENA news agency, ministry spokesman Waleed Haqiqi said that the irrigation ministers of the three countries would sign the contracts in Sudan during the 12th meeting of the trilateral committee.

The newly announced dates for signing the contracts comes following a series of delays.
The delays were partly caused by "outstanding issues between the consultancy firms [BRL and Artelia] which are conducting the technical studies and the legal firm wording the contracts,” Egypt’s irrigation ministry has previously said.

The postponment also resulted from delays by Khartoum in granting entry visas to Sudan for firms' experts, according to the Egyptian ministry. Read more from Ahram Online »

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