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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Ethiopia has been voted the world’s best tourism destination for 2015

(July 08, 2015, (Quartz))--Ethiopia has been chosen as this year’s top destination in the world for tourists by the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT), a non-profit group of European Union tourism trade organizations.

Africa’s second-most populated country was chosen for its “excellent preservation of humanity landmarks” such as the ruins of the city of Aksum, known as the heart of ancient Ethiopia, and Fasil Ghebbi, which served as the residence of the Ethiopian emperors during the 16th and 17th century.

It is also home to Harar Jugol—considered the fourth holiest Islamic city with 82 mosques, 102 shrines, and unique interior design in the townhouses—and Lalibela, a holy site encompassing 11 medieval stone carved churches from the 13th century.

Other sites include the Konso Cultural Landscape (containing 55 kilometers of stonewalled terraces and fortified settlements) and Lower Valley of the Awash, where the fossil remains of Lucy were discovered. All these sites are registered as UNESCO World heritage monuments. Read more from Quartz »

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