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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ethiopia’s projects won’t harm anyone: Egypt’s Pope Tawadros II

(Dec 18, 2014, (Ahram Online))--Egypt’s Pope Tawadros II expressed faith Wednesday that any project undertaken by Ethiopia wouldn’t harm anyone, in a clear nod to Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam, a source of recent anxiety to Egypt.

Pope Tawadros II, the pope of the Coptic Orthodox church (Photo: Reuters)
In recent years, relations between the two countries became strained amid Egyptian concerns about the possible effects of the dam under construction on the Blue Nile in Ethiopia.

The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, in a Cairo meeting with an Ethiopian people’s delegation, added that any project by Ethiopia would benefit everyone, Reuters’ Aswat Masriya reported. The delegation arrived in Cairo Tuesday, headed by speaker of the Ethiopian parliament Abdulla Gemeda, and is set to meet with a number Egyptian officials, intellectuals and religious figures.

Tawadros also stated that Egypt won’t hesitate in helping Ethiopia with any information regarding the construction of dams. “We pray for the Ethiopian government and its efforts to break the cycle of poverty, and we encourage their efforts,” Tawadros added. Read more from Ahram Online »

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