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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hundreds Mourn Ethiopian Orthodox Church Deacon, Cabbie Killed in Crash with SDG&E Truck

(Oct 14, 2014, (San Diego))--Hundreds filled a San Diego church Thursday night to mourn a deacon killed when his cab crashed into the back of a San Diego Gas & Electric truck in the Webster area.

Abebe Ainekulu, 53, died when the Discovery Cab he was driving southbound on Fairmount Avenue collided with the truck near Home Avenue. Ainekulu made a sudden swerve into the right turn lane and slammed hard into the back of the SDG&E utility truck, according to witnesses.

The husband and father of a daughter and son died at the scene, just two blocks from his home and two miles from Saint Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Logan Heights, where he served as a deacon.   More than 200 people wanted to share their condolences and grief so family members opened up the church hours after the crash.

Longtime friend Tesfai Takele, in tears at the accident scene, said Ainekulu was a friend to everyone. He worked as a independent driver who had owned his own cab for about 7 years, according to Ferede Gebru, who said he's known Ainekulu for 23 years. "He's disciplined, how he drive, everything. I know, I know for sure," Gebru said.

Ainekulu had no passengers in the cab at the time of the crash. Gebru believes the victim was on his way to work from his home. Read more from  NBC 7 San Diego » 

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