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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Boom times for Ethiopia's coffee shops

(Oct 16, 2014, (BBC))--Traditionally it takes rather a long time to be served a cup of coffee in Ethiopia - but things are now speeding up. As coffee plants originate from the east African nation - where they first grew wild before cultivation started in the country more than 1,000 years ago - it is perhaps unsurprising that Ethiopians take coffee drinking very seriously.

Eyerusalem Mesele (left) does not fear any foreign competitors opening cafes in Addis Ababa
So much so that Ethiopia has a ceremonial method of making coffee at home that continues to this day. The ceremony sees raw beans roasted over hot coals, with each person in attendance being invited to savour the smell of the fumes. The beans are then ground with a wooden pestle and mortar before finally being brewed - twice - in a clay boiling pot called a jebena.

While the resulting coffee is inevitably delicious, the whole process can take more than an hour. And a growing number of Ethiopians say they no longer have the time.

And so, as Ethiopia's economy continues to expand strongly, more people - led by young professionals in the capital Addis Ababa - are instead buying pre-roasted beans, or visiting coffee shops to have their favourite drink made for them. It means boom times for the country's independent coffee roasters and cafes, who have seen their numbers rise and some are even looking to expand overseas. Read more from BBC »

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