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Friday, July 11, 2014

Ethiopia's bid to uproot poverty

(July 11, 2014, ( The Gardain UK))--Ethiopia's resettlement programme operates on a voluntary basis. The prime objectives are to help farmers increase their yields and provide them with social services, which can be better delivered in a community setting.

The programme has brought schools, healthcare, clean water and roads to hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians, as confirmed by the International Development Group operating in Ethiopia. Minor problems were encountered during the early stages of the implementation process, but these were squarely addressed.

Your piece (Britain is supporting a dictatorship, 7 July) harks back to the Ethiopia of 30 years ago, yet totally dismisses the manifest achievements made over the last 20 years or so. Ethiopia has become food self-sufficient at national level and its pro-poor development strategy has brought strong economic growth and millions of jobs.

 Ethiopia is one of few developing countries that will achieve most, if not all, of the millennium development goals. The resettlement programme has played its part. Donors, UN organisations and civil society confirm that the programme has improved livelihoods and that human rights have been respected in the course of the programme's implementation. Read more from The Gardian UK »

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