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Monday, July 21, 2014

Economic devt in Ethiopia very impressive: UK Ambassador

(July 21, 2014, (Addis Ababa))--UK Ambassador to Ethiopia Greg Dorey said the consecutive economic development registered in Ethiopia over the past years is “very impressive”. In an exclusive interview with ENA, the Ambassador said the development in Ethiopia is “very impressive” and “potentially sustainable” as well if the government continues to take the right decisions.

“I think it is very impressive whether you take the government’s figures or you take IMF figures ... in terms of GDP growth. That is very very impressive and its potentially sustainable growth as well if the government takes the right decisions on the economy then that growth can continue into the future.” The economic growth in Ethiopia has been accompanied by a huge social investment in human development.

The Ambassador appreciates the strides that have been taken in improving the health, education and social wellbeing of the people. “Of course this has been accompanied by a huge social investment in human development which is equally important. And you can see the tremendous strides that have been taken in improving the health, education and social wellbeing of the people in Ethiopia really is very acknowledgeable; what has been done in a relatively small space of time.”

“Ethiopia is still a poor country so that work needs to continue.” he added. “So I have to say everything is moving in the right direction; it just needs the right decision to be taken to continue those achievements.”  Read more from Ethiopian News Agnecy »

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