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Friday, September 06, 2013

Ethiopia: '160-year-old man' claims to remember 1895

(Sept 06, 2013, (BBC))--An Ethiopian reporter claims to have discovered the world's oldest living man. Retired farmer Dhaqabo Ebba claims to have clear memories of Italy's 1895 invasion of the country.

In an interview with regional Oromiya TV, he provided so much detail on the changes of power in his local area that reporter Mohammed Ademo has become convinced that Dhaqabo must be at least 160 - 46 years older than the oldest ever recorded man.

'When Italy invaded Ethiopia I had two wives, and my son was old enough to herd cattle,' he said at home near Dodola. He went on to recount his childhood eight-day horseback ride to Addis Ababa - a journey of a few hours today. Read more from BBC » 

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