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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Ethiopia Aims To Host Africa's Tallest Building

(July 06, 2013, (ENR))--Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa, may boast Africa’s tallest building by 2017. While a 58-story building had been announced, plans unveiled by a private Chinese developer now call for a 99-story office-hotel tower. Guangdong Chuanhui Group has not revealed the building's estimated cost or other details, including financial arrangements or the names of the architect and engineer.

The site for the Chuanhui International Tower is at the new Addis Ababa Exhibition Centre. The developer says it has acquired the 41,000 sq meter site and the building plans have been approved. If built, it would supersede by 225 m Africa’s current tallest tower: the 50-story Carlton Centre in Johannesburg.

With a population of about 2.8 million, Addis Ababa is the country's commercial and industrial center, according to the website of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations. Further, the capital is the seat of the African Union (AU) and the United Nations' Economic Commission for Africa and hosts more than 92 embassies and consulates. Several other international organizations also have headquarters or branch offices there. Read more from Engineering News-recording »

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