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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Egyptians must exercise restraint and promote dialogue: Ethiopia

(July 13, 2013, (Daily News Egypt))--Ethiopia called for Egypt to promote inclusiveness and national reconciliation after weeks of bloodshed and political unrest, in a statement released on Saturday.

The Ethiopian prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn called on all parties in Egypt to avoid acts of provocation and escalation toward violence, regretting the confrontation and violence that has taken place since 30 June.

“The Prime Minister deeply regretted any loss of life that has occurred and sends his condolences, and those of the people of Ethiopia, to the families of all those who have died or been injured,” the statement read. While it refrained from siding with either the interim or previous government, Ethiopia urged Egyptians to turn the current situation into a political process that is “characterised by inclusive dialogue.”

The statement contained no mention of the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which has been the cause of rising tension in Egypt-Ethiopia relations. Read more from Daily News Egypt »

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