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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Morsi aide sorry for on-air Ethiopia dam gaffe

(Jun 04, 2013, (Yahoo! UK & Ireland ))--An aide to Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has apologised after she failed to inform politicians holding talks with the president that they were live on air, allowing viewers to watch them cook up plans to sabotage a dam in Ethiopia.

"Due to the importance of the topic it was decided at the last minute to air the meeting live. I forgot to inform the participants about the changes," presidential aide for political affairs Pakinam El-Sharkawi said. "I apologise for any embarrassment caused to the political leaders," she said on Twitter.

The talks, chaired by Morsi, revolved around a report of a tripartite Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia commission on Ethiopia's decision to divert the Blue Nile for a massive dam project, sparking fears of a major impact on downstream states Egypt and Sudan. Read more from Yahoo! UK & Ireland »

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