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Monday, June 03, 2013

Egypt Warns Against Loss of Nile Water to Ethiopian Dam

(June 03, 2013, (VOA))--Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has warned he will not allow a large Ethiopian dam project to reduce his country's share of water from the Nile River. In comments carried on Egyptian state television Monday, Morsi said the country can not let "one drop" of water be affected, and vowed to take steps to ensure water security.

Ethiopia says there is no reason for Egypt to worry about the hydroelectric dam, which is being built on the Blue Nile, a main Nile River tributary.

Ethiopia's water minister says the dam's construction poses no threat to Egypt or Sudan, which both depend heavily on the Nile. Both countries have expressed concern that the dam will leave them without enough water to support their populations. Read more from Voice of America »

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