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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Amharic language courses to be offered in Chinese Universities

(Mar 20, 2013,Addis Ababa,  mfa))--Addis Ababa University recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Beijing University of Foreign Studies (BFSU) which will enable the latter to offer Amharic language courses to Chinese Students.

The courses are scheduled to begin by September 2013. The agreement was signed in Beijing between Dr.Admasu Tsegaye, President of Addis Ababa University, and President of the BFSU Mr. Han Zhen. The signing represents further progress in the burgeoning people to people relations between the two countries.

Dr. Admasu, on the occasion, noted that Addis Ababa University had upgraded its Chinese Language training program to a bachelor’s degree level. The AAU delegation, led by Dr. Admasu, also held discussions with the leadership of BFSU on more ways to promote staff-exchange, short to medium term student and learning materials exchange and to strengthen their shared programs.
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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