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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ethiopia Bahardar Univ. Bans Hijab

(Jan 25, 2013, ADDIS ABABA)--Ethiopia Muslim students at Bahardar University have been forced to stop their education and vacate the campuses after the university decided to deny them hijab and prayer places.

“Over 95% of Muslim students of Bahardar University left the campus following the new directive of the University which bans women students from wearing Niqab and Hijab,” Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) website reported on Thursday, January 24.“The new directive prohibits students from conducting prayer services in the campus,” students told ESAT.

Facing Muslim anger at the administration’s arbitrary decisions, the university officials confirmed that it was beyond their power to make any amendments. Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations.

Muslims make up about 34 percent of Ethiopia’s population, according to a government census in 2007. Yet, other sources put Ethiopia Muslims at about 50% of the country’s population. Ethiopian Muslims have been protesting the government’s interference in religious affairs since last year. Read more from Onislam »

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