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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Hailemariam discusses with Ambassador Rice

(Addis Ababa September 03/201)--Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Hailemariam Desalegan discussed here later Sunday with a delegation led by U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. Hailemariam on the occasion expressed Ethiopia’s desire to further strengthen existing relation with the U.S.

Susan  Rice and Acting prime minister Hailemariam Desalegne ( ENA)
He said the existing cooperation and diplomatic relation will further be strengthened between the two countries based on the foreign policy put in place earlier. Ambassador Rice on her part said that the two countries will further boost existing partnership.

She said Ethiopia's significant contribution in the efforts to maintain peace and security in East Africa in particular in Somalia has been bearing fruits. Ambassador Rice said Ethiopia played key role towards success of recent election of Somalia’s new Speaker of Parliament.

She said that her government will create favorable situation to enable Ethiopians residing in the U.S. actively participate in development activities in their homeland. Ambassador Rice also expressed belief that the Ethiopian people will realize the vision of the late PM Meles Zenawi.

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