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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hunger – Ethiopia’s new weapon to force tribes off their land

(July 11, 2012,Survival International)--Survival has received disturbing reports from members of several tribes in Ethiopia’s Lower Omo Valley, which describe how the government is destroying their crops to force them to move off their land into designated resettlement areas.

Those most affected by the land grabs are Suri, Bodi and Mursi pastoralists, and the Kwegu hunter-gatherer people. Many families are now desperate as they have no sorghum, and their cattle grazing land is also being rapidly destroyed as the government continues to lease out their land for sugar cane and oil palm plantations.

Some Bodi communities are already being moved in to camps against their will. A Bodi man said, ‘They are taking our land by force. The bulldozer even cleared the gardens where our crops were growing. They went right through where our sorghum was growing.’

The Mursi have been told they must sell their cattle, and will be moved to the resettlement camps by the end of this year. One Mursi woman said, ‘The other day I went to the Omo River.  I went to my grain stores to get the grain and it was gone. My grain stores had been thrown away (by bulldozers). I don’t like what they are doing.

When I went I just cried. Our grain stores were gone. Now we will have big problems.  We don’t know what to do. Maybe we will die.’ Read more from Survival International »


  1. In Serbia and Cosovo when Muslim harassed the serbs and Serbs took action and threw out the trouble makers, America, Britain, UN rose up in arms and snatched Cosovo and Serbians territories and handed to the Muslims but for these poor helpless nomands their humane pathos do not disturb them. Scales of human love?

  2. Karo and Hamar children bring their cattle to drink by the Omo River. Survival International.

    The picture under the above title of cattle number and size and health of various breeds including brahmin of India. This would require in America the management of 1000 hectare, which would includ high scale qualified technical personal, high investment and at least 50 workmen. Ethiopian government is throwing away this simply for sweat talk of investors who are not sincere. Only little bit of training it could be turned into Dairy and meat production for export a ready cash now without much development cost now. They could start factories for roast salted beef. America might have investors with experience. Don't be hard to your peasant, your are paying a very high price just for sweat talk. Your peasants have only 2 hectares per family and they pay high taxes and investors are paying no tax for 5 years for such huge land, is that sensible? Whole produce they can export for no export duty at all.. you are thinking of eradicating poverty by taking away poors land and leaving them no livelihood. I now believe the rumours you have brain tumor.
