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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Designer Spotlight: Enzi Footwear, Made in Ethiopia

(July 11, 2012, VENTURES AFRICA)--We continue to see more and more ‘Made in Africa’ footwears. Indeed some designers and entrepreneurs have decided that it’s time for more African brands to compete on a global scale.

Enzi is a new high-end men’s footwear brand that was set up with a vision to change the perception of Africa and support economic growth, through the production of high quality, well crafted footwear. The creative forces behind this brand are four entrepreneurs, Sam Imende, Jawad Braye, Christian Ward and Azariah Mengistu.

ENZI was conceived when co-founder Jawad Braye was visiting Azariah Mengistu in Ethiopia, where they discovered an abundant supply of premium leather and witnessed an emerging footwear manufacturing industry.  In their excitement, the concept of producing a men’s fashion brand based in Africa was born from both a frustration with the misconceptions about Africa of their peers and the fact that there was not a fashion brand that fully represented them.

The company’s designer shoes are made in Ethiopia with local leather and a commitment to the craftsmen and women making the shoes. Workers are involved to an extent in the decision process through a community board with a direct influence on the growth and future of the business. In addition, they are guaranteed a fair wage proportional to the shoe value, and have a percentage share in the profits. Read more from VENTURES AFRICA »

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