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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nejashi Justice Council Joins the Statement of Ethiopian Orthodox Church Holy Synod in Exile

(June 12, 2012, WASHINGTON,  /PRNewswire/--The Ethiopian Orthodox Church Synod in exile, upon conclusion of its 33rd regular conference in Washington DC, issued a solidarity statement to stand with the continued Ethiopian Muslims' demand for religious freedom and basic rights.

Having condemned the government interference in religious affairs, the Synod called upon Ethiopians of all faiths to rise in unison against pervasive abuse of citizen rights perpetrated by the EPRDF regime in Ethiopia. Nejashi Justice Council, as rights activists campaigning for human rights and social justice in Ethiopia, hailed the call of this highest Ethiopian religious authority as a milestone in refining Ethiopian inherent religious tolerance.

Following the release of Synod's commendable statements, Nejashi Justice Council launched a preliminary survey assessing the reaction of rights activists and ordinary Ethiopians and what leverage it would have on our struggle for justice, democracy and the rule of the law in Ethiopia.

The Council is stunned by the results from Addis Ababa and other major cities and town. The reaction of Ethiopians across all background to the historic statement of Synod is self-evident that our long-standing interreligious tolerance is intact despite divide-and-rule policy of the incumbent regime over the last 20 years.

The statement is a historic move that would lay down a bridge among people of diversified belief and bring them together in their struggle for a just system of governance where no one would be repressed and harassed for his/her belief, political opinion, ethnicity, gender or cultural background.

The Nejashi Justice Council would like to commend the patriotic support the Synod has shown to the Ethiopian Muslims' struggle for religious liberty and join the church to call upon all Ethiopians to rise united by narrowing their differences and join hand-in-hand in their effort to promote human rights, justice, and democracy in the country.

Sharing the view of our people, the Council believes that a foundation has been laid for Muslims, Christians and others to come together and pool their resources and efforts for a holy and common goal. The solidarity statement issued by the Synod certainly denies the EPRDF regime to use our difference in belief and other background to continue its crimes against humanity without the least regard to their basic rights, democracy and rule of law.

At a time when the regime put our differences in religion as its final card to keep us apart and thus prolong its lifespan, our failure or success to be compassionate to each other, empathizing with the pain of one another and being accommodating, is a matter of choice between ultimate devastation or resurrection as a prosperous and dignified nation.
Source: PR Newswire (


  1. Holy and unholy cannot mix. God forbad inquirying of other gods how can you make a bridge.

  2. Lord Almight God forbade inquiring of other gods, therefore there cannot be a valid bridge and Holy and unholy cannot mix.
