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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

World Bank Kicks-off Online Consultations on its New Country Partnership Strategy for Ethiopia

(May 8, 2012, ADDIS ABABA, )--The World Bank is in the process of developing the next Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) FY13-FY16 for Ethiopia. As part of the CPS preparation process and in order to gain a better understanding of the development context and the needs of the ultimate beneficiaries of World Bank support, the Bank is conducting consultations with a wide range of stakeholders throughout the country and abroad.

The process of gathering input from stakeholders was launched with a client survey conducted in December 2011, and will include a series of meetings with different development partners scheduled to be held in May 2012.

The consultations will be done through face-to-face meetings as well as through an online platform, which will serve as a clearinghouse for the CPS consultation process. The Bank will post input received as well as minutes of the face-to-face meetings. It will also serve as a tool for direct communication with members of the Bank’s CPS Ethiopia Team. Read more from World Bank »

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