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Friday, May 11, 2012

Ethiopia: Exciting Innovations in Agriculture and Health

(May 08, 2012, (by Bill Gates))--I’ve made many trips to Africa, but my recent visit to Ethiopia was definitely one of the most exciting. 

With effective governance and coordinated support from our foundation and other donors, the advances I saw in health and agriculture may be the key to unleashing Ethiopia’s potential and that of other African countries.

Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world and has faced enormous challenges feeding its people and providing critical health services to mothers and their children. Yet, I returned from a recent visit excited about advances the country is making in agriculture and health.

If these innovations which are a top priority for our foundation succeed, they can be replicated in other African countries that also face big challenges in health and agriculture. One factor in Ethiopia’s progress is Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and his leadership team, who have played a key role in reinventing the country’s agricultural and health systems. 

Making changes to either would be a big challenge in any country, so it’s even more impressive in Ethiopia, which has the second largest population of any country in Africa but a limited economic infrastructure. Read more from The Gates Notes »

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