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Monday, April 23, 2012

Police: Women stab husband, fiance in unrelated incidents

(April 20, 2012, Arkansas Online)--Two unconnected stabbing incidents in Rogers led to the arrests of two women Thursday night and Friday morning, according to news releases from the Rogers Police Department.

Photo by Benton County Jail
One woman was arrested in connection with stabbing her husband. The other woman was arrested in connection with stabbing her fiance. In one incident, Yordanos Girmay Gebreegziabher, 31, of Ethiopia, was arrested in connection with first-degree domestic battering.

Police responding Thursday night to a reported stabbing at 3000 S. 28th Place found David Moore, Gebreegziabher's 49-year-old fiance, being treated by a neighbor for a stab wound in his side, according to the news release. Moore was taken to Mercy Medical Center for treatment.

In the other incident, an investigation indicated a woman stabbed her husband following an argument, according to a news release. Angela Shirey, 21, was arrested in connection with first-degree battery. Frankie Shirey, 26, was taken to Northwest Medical Center for treatment. Both women are being held in the Benton County Jail awaiting bond hearings.
Source: Arkansas Online

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