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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Adoption Inc: How Ethiopia's Industry Dupes Families and Bullies Activists

Dec 21 2011,  The Atlantic)--In Ethiopia, "searchers" track down an adopted child's history and birth family, often at the behest of adoptive parents in the U.S. or Europe.

But as more searchers turn up stories of fraud, corruption, and worse, they are facing threats and violence, sometimes from representatives of adoption agencies that are well-known in the West.

In 2008, a 38-year old Oklahoma nurse whom I'll call Kelly adopted an eight-year old girl, "Mary," from Ethiopia.

It was the second adoption for Kelly, following one from Guatemala. She'd sought out a child from Ethiopia in the hopes of avoiding some of the ethical problems of adopting from Guatemala: widespread stories of birthmothers coerced to give up their babies and even payments and abductions at the hands of brokers procuring adoptees for unwitting U.S. parents.

Now, even after using a reputable agency in Ethiopia, Kelly has come to believe that Mary never should have been placed for adoption. She came to this determination after hiring what's known as an adoption searcher. Read more from The Atlantic »

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