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Thursday, November 03, 2011

Coventry ring road bridge murderer 'had been deported three times'

(Nov 03, 2011, Coventry, UK)--AN illegal immigrant who pushed his former lover to her death from a bridge on Coventry’s ring road had already been deported three times.

Yonas Beraki, 33, had returned to the UK a fourth time when he murdered Genet Kidane by shoving her off a footbridge – and then jumped off himself. The killer’s background was revealed as he was jailed for life with a minimum of 12 years. 

Bridge push mum feared for her life
COVENTRY mum Genet Kidane had told friends, family and the police she feared for her life after being threatened by her former partner.

Coventry Crown Court heard Yonas Beraki even told the 41-year-old he would kill her by pushing her from behind off the Canal Basin footbridge.

On January 12, he did just that Ms Kidane plunged more than 25ft onto the road below after being pushed from the bridge by Beraki. And just moments later her 22-year-old daughter stumbled onto the scene and saw her dead mother lying in the road.

Beraki had pounced as she walked her usual route to work, as a cleaner at Primark. Yesterday Judge Richard Griffiths-Jones jailed Beraki for life after the 33-year-old admitted a charge of murder. FULL ARTICLE AT Coventry Telegraph »

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Man arrested over Coventry ring road death
Funeral of Coventry ring road bridge plunge woman
Man admits ring road killing

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