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Saturday, September 24, 2011

India to boost Ethiopia's leather production

(Sep 22, 2011, ADDIS ABABA)--Two Indian government leather development institutions have vowed to transform Ethiopia's leather sector in three to five years and make it globally competitive. Ethiopia has Africa's largest cattle population.

The arrangement has been made by the Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) and the Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI) with the Ethiopian Leather Industry Development Institute (ELIDI).

The two Indian institutions will transfer technology and help accelerate the sluggish growth of earnings from the East African nation's leather and leather products export.

During a half-day meeting held at the Sheraton Hotel here, directors of CLRI and FDDI promised ELIDI to provide all the training and necessary support to make Ethiopia one of the top 10 countries in the world in shoe and leather manufacturing.

"If we can't transform the sector in the coming three to five years, then we'd never do it," CLRI director Asit Baran said here.

By the support and training of FDDI and CLRI, the Indian leather industry has created job opportunities for 3.5 million people, generating $3.4 billion every year. FULL ARTICLE AT The Economic Times »

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