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Monday, September 26, 2011


(26 September 2011, Capital)--An emergency meeting was called at the Sheraton Addis on Friday to discuss the rise of male violence against women.

Last week police arrested a man who had cut out his wife’s eyes with a knife; this vicious manifestation of male violence towards women has outraged women across the country causing them to call emergency meetings to begin solidarity campaigns and to collectively  announce to male aggressors that ‘Enough is Enough’.

The event was attended by prominent personalities such as Eyesuswork Zafu, president of the Ethiopian Chamber and Sectoral Association; Selome Tadessse former Ethiopian government communication office head and board member of Raya beer Share Company and Meaza Ashenafi former head of Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA) and board chairman of Enat Bank Share Company.

The event was also attended by parents and relatives of women who have been the victims of male brutality as well as by concerned and outraged citizens.

The campaign intends to spread a message throughout the country that routine male torture and abuse of women is unacceptable. The fear expressed by many who gathered at the meeting was that violence towards women has reached an epidemic. The escalation of accounts of men physically torturing their wives has increased to a frightening degree.

Attempts to understand why patterns of male abuse towards women have increased were made at the emergency meeting on Friday. A consensus was also reached that not only has the incidence of male violence towards women increased but the nature of the violence is becoming increasingly vicious.

The rise of male terror looks like it is just starting to be addressed by a concerned and outraged public in  search of gender justice by using every means possible.

(Pictured above are organizers and participants of the Friday emergency meeting held at the Sheraton Addis.)
Source: Capital

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