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Friday, July 22, 2011

Ethiopian student scores 100%

(July 22, 2011, Sheffield Telegraph)- PARK Academy student Paulos Geberaselassie has joined the academic elite by scoring 100% in his AS level maths exam.

Paulos Geberaseassie
Paulos, who only recently arrived from Ethiopia, overcame the challenge of having English as a second language to record the perfect score.

The 17-year-old, who is in the sixth form, said: “To achieve 100% makes me very happy and is now influencing me to work even harder towards my next exams.”

His goal is to study chemical engineering at university. Headteacher Maria Nightingale said: “Paulos has shown just what can be achieved through a combination of hard work, dedication and strong support. We are incredibly proud of him.”
Source: Sheffield Telegraph