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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Continental workshop on role of public in fighting terrorism opens in Addis

(Tuesday 19th of July 2011, Addis Ababa)- A continental workshop to discuss the significance and role of the public in the fight against terrorism opened in Addis Ababa on Tuesday. Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Center for Global Counter Terrorism Cooperation (CGCC) organized the three-day workshop.

Some six of the seven member states of IGAD are taking part in the workshop organized under the theme: "Public Engagement in Counter Terrorism".

Speaking on the occasion, IGAD Peace and Security Division Director, Netsanet Asfaw said effective engagement and mobilization of the public in support of counterterrorism policies is critical.

She said IGAD suggested that strong public engagement in counterterrorism efforts is a key factor that can contribute significantly to the success of member states' counterterrorism practices.

terrorism manifests itself in the IGAD States in three forms; local terrorism without external connections, local terrorism with regional connections, and terrorism organized by global actors with regional and local support, Netsannet said.

This is a result of convergence of several factors; which are mainly weak governance, the Somali crisis, institutional vulnerabilities, proximity to the Middle East and the presence of unstable states in the region.

IGAD states acknowledged the threats of terrorism and the need to enhance regional cooperation in a bid to combat the scourge, she said.

In addition to other regional measures, IGAD set up IGAD Capacity Building Program against Terrorism (ICPAT) in 2006, to build the capacity of the IGAD region on counter terrorism.

According to the Director, ICPAT is currently undergoing a transition to a new IGAD program, with a wider mandate, including counter terrorism, maritime security, organized crimes, and Security Institutions Capacity Building Program (SICBP). 

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