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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Britain's £52m aid for African drought as five million people in Ethiopia at risk of cholera

(July 16, 2011, Daily Mail online) -A £52million emergency aid package has been put together by the  Government to help millions of drought victims in the Horn of Africa.

International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said the cash would be used to support starving people across Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya hit by the worst drought in over half a century.

This will be in addition to the £13million donated by Britons to the DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal launched a week ago.
The announcement came as the World Health Organisation warned yesterday that five million are at risk of cholera in Ethiopia.

Crowded and insanitary conditions in refugee camps have led to a surge in cases of the acute intestinal infection, which can be fatal if left untreated.

And there are fears that outbreaks of malaria and measles could soon follow. Read more »

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